Thank you for purchasing my special products, it is a real pleasure for me to spread this beautiful natural ancient knowledge around the world:

To collect your special purchase please visit the stand with the rose golden heart balloons

 Pain Killer Oil
Powerful Natural Pain Reliever & Anti-inflamatory Oil.

Very helpful in cases of tight muscles, orthopedic injuries, broken bones, nerve pain, joint pain, and more.

Instruction for use:

The oil should be massaged into the skin where it hurts.

No need for a thick layer.

Can be used as needed on a one-time, periodic or daily basis.

The relief is felt within a few minutes and when used over time the oil will treat the inflammation.

The oil is not intended for ingestion, should be kept out of the reach of children.

** Pain Killer Oil is for external use only**


Dharma Oil
Natural Sanitizer – ‘One drop that saves the day, a must in every bag, especially on the go’

Disinfects cuts and wounds, Heals burns, Stops diarrhea in place, Suppresses respiratory infections, Relieves heartburn, repels mosquitoes and insects.

Instruction for use:

  • To disinfect scratches, cuts, burns – drip 1-2 drops directly on the place that needs disinfection.
  • To disinfect the digestive system & for heartburn relief – rip 1-2 drops in a glass of water and drink.
  • To disinfect the respiratory tract – drip 4-5 drops in a glass of hot water and inhale the steam into the respiratory tract.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and face, the oil is very concentrated and may cause a burning sensation


Please feel comfortable to contact me through the whatsapp button.

Have a beautiful day,
